Funding of the cash means is common to the researched economical categories. It takes place in any separate system of finances and credit, which have been touched upon during the analyses of defining finances and credit. Word combination "funding of the cash sources (fund formation)" reflects and defines exactly essence and form of economical category of more general character, those of finances and credit categories. Though in the in economical texts and practice, it is very uncomfortable to use a termini, which consists of three words. Also, "unloading" with an information hardens greatly its influxing into the circulation even in the conditions of its strict substantiation and thoroughness. international marketing In the discussing context we consider:
1) wide and narrow understanding of economical category of the finances;
2) discussing finances in narrow understanding under general traditional meaning;
3) discussing finances, as funding of the cash means, in wide understanding, which concerns finances - in narrow meaning and credit - in complete meaning.
Termini "funding" and its equivalent "fund formation" are used by us as the purposeful structuring of cash means, which is based on two poles - accumulation of money sources (gathering) and its usage for definite purpose in the way of financing and crediting.
We have established a new termini - "finance-investment sphere" (FIS). Analyses about interrelation of finances and credit made by us give us an opportunity of proving, that in the given termini, the word "financial" is used with the meaning of funding cash sources, its purposeful structuring. In this process we consider at the same time financial, credit and investments' economical categories.